Dua For Husband

Dua For Love Between Husband and Wife In Islam


Marriages are made in heaven, but you need to maintain them and handle them with care so that they last forever. If you don’t know how to handle your relationship with your partner, it may break. Apart from putting in a worldly effort like going out or spending quality time together, you should also perform dua for love between husband and wife. The dua to increase love between husband and wife will bring closeness and affection to your relationship and help you in maintaining the freshness of your marriage forever.

How To Keep Love Alive in Husband And Wife Relationships

Maintaining love between husband and wife is an ongoing process that requires effort and commitment from both partners. Here are three tips to help maintain love between husband and wife:

  1. Communication: Effective communication is crucial in any relationship and especially important in a marriage. Both partners should try to communicate openly and honestly, expressing their thoughts, feelings, and needs. It is important to listen to and respect each other’s opinions, even if there are differences.
  2. Quality time: Spending quality time together is another important factor in maintaining love between husband and wife. Both partners should make an effort to prioritize time together, whether going on a date, taking a walk, or just enjoying a quiet evening at home. This helps to strengthen the bond between the two partners and reminds them of why they fell in love in the first place.
  3. Support: Supporting each other through good times and bad is essential to any marriage. Both partners should be there for each other, offering emotional support, encouragement, and reassurance when needed. This helps to build trust and strengthen the bond between the two partners.

In summary, effective communication, spending quality time together, and supporting each other are key tips to maintaining love between husband and wife. Couples can build a strong and lasting bond of love and respect by practicing these tips and putting in the effort to nurture their relationship.

Dua To Increase Love Between Husband and Wife

Often random fights may lead to differences and separation. It may make your husband leave you and the house. If your partner has left you, then the dua for husband come back will help you in changing his mind. He will come back to you without doing any effort. The dua to increase love between husband and wife will melt his heart and he will forgive you for your mistake. If he has left the house under the influence of some person, then he will get out of it and come back to you and regret his mistake. Continue reciting dua for the relation between husband and wife and all your marital problems will get resolved very soon.

Dua For Love Between Husband And Wife

If your partner no longer finds you attractive and he doesn’t take any interest in you, and he seems to be interested in any other woman, then dua for love between husband and wife is all you need. It will help you in winning the love and heart of your spouse all over again. He will give up the illegal relations and come to you. He will never go astray to another woman again in his life. 

Dua To Make Husband Come BackInsha Allah, with the blessing of this dua for love between husband and wife, your partner will not just come back but will also acquire a great interest in you. He will love you wholeheartedly as he did on the first day of the wedding. You can acquire the procedure of dua for husband and wife to get back together from our molvi sahab. He has already helped a number of pairs in getting back together and Insha Allah he will give you also the right solution for your problem. Sometimes these things may take time to get normal, but you need to have a firm belief in the prayer and soon the Almighty will bless you with positive and good results.

Dua For Husband and Wife To Get Back Together

Here is the step-by-step procedure to perform dua for husband and wife to get back together

  • Firstly both husband and wife can practice this dua for wife.
  • The person performing it should take a fresh bath.
  • After that read Surah Yaseen 37 times.
  • Then read this “Aamantu Billahi” 1036 times.
  • After taking some honey in a cup.
  • Then take a spoon.
  • After that read Imaan E Mujammal for 97 times.
  • After that read Pehla Karma 103 times.
  • Then blow your breath on that spoon.
  • After that eat half a cup of that honey with that spoon.
  • Then read Sana 10 times.
  • After that eat that remaining honey with that spoon.
  • Perform this for 3 days. 
  • Insha Allah you will get the desired results in just 3 days. 

If you are looking for any further guidance in this regard, then you can seek immediate help from our Molvi sahab.

Husband Wife Love Dua

Just like a wife desires for a righteous and compatible husband, the same is the case vice-versa. Every man desires a simple, understanding, caring, and loving wife who can be with him in the ups and downs of life and share his happiness and miseries. So, if you are looking for a righteous and compatible spouse for you, then the best thing you can do for it makes husband wife love dua for wife. 

If you are already married and you want to enhance the love for you in the heart of your wife, then you should do small efforts for it. you can spend time with her, help her in the kitchen, or just take her out. Apart from it, the most recommended way to create compatibility and love between you and your partner is to make dua for your wife. The husband wife love dua will create immense understanding and love between you and your spouse and will make your marriage better.

Dua and Wazifa For Husband Wife Love

Dua For Husband Wife Relation

At times you may not realize but your wife’s love for you may start depreciating with time. The daily efforts in household chores, care of the kids, and other stuff may fade your love in her heart. Hence, it is very important to re-ignite the lost intimacy and love in her heart. if you want to revive your love in your spouse’s heart and make her feel happy and loved once again, then you should recite dua for husband wife love. The dua for husband love will change her feelings for you and rejuvenate her emotions. It is a great dua for husband love for all husbands to practice to re-gain the affection of their wives.

It is essential not to start practicing any dua for wife on your own as you may not be aware of its effects and results. You can acquire the procedure of dua for wife and husband from our molvi sahab. He will give you the suitable directions to perform it. Insha Allah, if there has been some misunderstanding or disappointment in your marriage, it will get fine. Just practice the dua for husband love with firm dedication and faith and see how it brings you and your partner closer to each other and resolves all the differences. If you both are newly married, then the dua for husband love will wipe out all hesitation from your relationship.

Dua For Husband To Love Wife

Here is the Dua For Wife

  • Firstly, make fresh wuzu and sit down in a lonely room.
  • Perform this dua for wife and husband after the namaz of Fajr.
  • Recite Durood Shareef 9 times
  • Then recite this dua for husband to love his wife only “Allah Humma Salli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad” 101 times.
  • Then recite Durood Shareef 9 times.
  • Now blow your breath on a glass of water.
  • Weep and plead to Allah Miyan for your desires.

Insha Allah, soon your desires will get fulfilled. Make sure you recite this dua for at least 15 days. 

How To Increase Love in Husband’s Heart

In newly married couples, it is very common that the husband does not necessarily love his wife. The wife makes a lot of efforts to make her husband love her but fails in all her efforts. You being a newly married woman do everything in your power to get your husband’s love and to make him realize your importance. This situation is a problem in the lives of married couples as well. After spending years together, the love in their marriage starts diminishing. To keep this love alive forever, dua for increasing love between husband and wife is the best remedy.

With the help of this dua for wife, a wife can make her husband realize her importance in his life. He begins to notice all her efforts for him. Partner also understands her importance and starts spending more time with her. He even tries a lot of things to make his wife happy.

Related Post: Dua To Gain Husband’s Love


Another Dua for Husband And Wife

They are ignorant towards their wives, do not love them, and don’t respect them as well. Such women always have the fear that their husbands will leave them for someone else. This fear however can be taken care of using the dua for increasing love between love husband and wife.

This wazifa for husband to listen his wife is very effective in saving marriages. Islamic astrologers all over the world advise their followers of this dua for husband love to always stay in a happy marriage. This wazifa for husband to listen his wife is also advising those people who are on the verge of a divorce. With this dua for love between husband and wife islamqa, even you can save your marriage from diminishing.

 The relationship between a husband and a wife is one of the most beautiful relationships in this modern world. The dua to increase love in the husband’s heart is the perfect dua for wife to keep this beautiful relationship always alive.

Dua to Make Your Husband Love you More

The dua to make your husband love you more for women who doubt their husbands of having an affair. Even the women who think that their husband gives more importance to other people in their life use this wazifa for husband to listen his wife.

The dua to make your husband love you more is here step by step:-

  • Firstly, before reciting this Dua to bring husband and wife closer, pray all 5 times of Salah.
  • Because Namaaz or Salah is the only thing that will help you in doing the impossible things. Praying is the only way with which you can make your husband love you more.
  • After that, recite the Surah Ikhlas for love.
  • Read Durood Shareef for 11 times.

Insha Allah, Allah will create love in your heart as well as in your husband’s.

For more questions about this dua for love between husband and wife, call our Molvi Sahab directly.

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