Dua For Husband

Dua To Increase Love Between Husband and Wife


Every marriage has its ups and downs. After years of marriage, do you think your husband doesn’t love you? Is the distance between you and your husband increasing day by day? If you want to restart your relationship with your husband’s love, start the dua to increase love between husband and wife.

The dua to increase love in husband’s heart is a powerful prayer for those women who want to win their husband’s heart again. They will start feeling the love for you like they felt in the beginning of your marriage. With this dua to increase love in husband heart, you can solve the problems of your struggling marriage. Things will begin to fall in place and the romance between you two will rekindle.

Consider Some Instructions Before Beginning This Dua:  

  • Always offer Salawat before praying.  
  • Turn your face toward the direction of Qibla when you begin this recitation of the Dua.  
  • During the performance of the Dua, women do not expose their nudity (Awrah).  
  • Begin your Dua by reciting the entire “Takbir” (which means “Allah is Great”) 
  •  Before beginning any form of Dua, you must request forgiveness from Allah Ta’ala by reciting the “Taubaa-ae-istiGfaar” phrase.  
  • Have total faith in the All-Mighty Allah SWT and Patience. Therefore, Be Patient. Allah has not lied about his promise in any way.

Dua For Increase Love Between Husband And Wife 

This dua to increase love in spouse heart is a remedy that people begin as soon as their marriage is fixed. This Islamic dua is a guaranteed method by which people get married to a person who is truly loving in nature.

The process of the dua to increase love in spouse heart is as follows:

  • Recite this dua after the Maghrib namaz.
  • You can either imagine his face.
  • Keeping his photo in front of you would also work.
  • Start reading Durood Shareef for 11 times.
  • Read “Yaa Wadoodoo” for 501 times.
  • Go through the Darood Shareef 11 times again.
  • Follow this process for a week.

This dua for husband love will start showing results soon and your husband or wife will start loving you. He will also start appreciating all the things you do for him.

Husband Love Dua in Islam

If you are going to get married soon, then too you should start this dua for increase love between husband and wife. This will help you win your husband’s heart even before you get married. Along with love, your to be husband will also respect your choices and opinions.

The dua for increasing love between dua to bring husband and wife closer is a prayer suggested by astrologers to married people. This dua helps them to keep the passion in their marriage alive. This also helps to keep the chemistry between couples to the maximum.

Before marriage, every person is hesitant about the nature of their partner. It is always a doubt whether the boy/girl they are marrying would be of a loving nature. To stay assured of this quality, you should practice the dua to increase love in husband’s heart.

Dua To Increase Love In Husband’s Heart

Dua to Make Husband Crazy in Love

After years of marriage, it is highly likely that the love between married couples may diminish. Sometimes situations may make you feel that your husband’s love is not just the same as it was before.

Do you feel that the emotional disconnect between you and your partner has increased? Does your husband seem least interested in spending time with you? If you feel your husband does not love you anymore, then you can practice dua to increase love in husband heart.

This dua for getting husband love will change the chemistry in your married life. If you think that performing the Dua to increase love in husband heart is going to be difficult, you need not worry much. This simple dua to increase love in husband heart is just as powerful and will help in winning your husband’s love once again.

After marriage, your husband is the only person you can depend on. The love a woman has for her husband is the most beautiful form of love in this world. But, what if your husband does not love you back? Are you looking for effective remedies to make your husband love you?

Dua For Husband Wife Love

As a wife, every woman wants her husband loving and caring towards her only. There should never be another woman in his life, that he pays any attention to. There should never be an extramarital affair. The loyalty a woman expects from her husband is assured by the dua for husband wife love. This dua for husband wife love dua is a proven remedy that has been tried by women for the past decades. This dua helps those women who have a doubt about their husbands. They have a fear of their husband leaving them for someone else.

Let us explain you the process of the dua for marriage to make your husband crazy in love with you:

  • The process of performing this dua to increase love in husband heart starts immediately after Isha namaz.
  • Before this dua, recite Durood Shareef softly 11 times.
  • After Durood Sharif, you have to recite Surah Hijr Ayat for 101 times.
  • Now keeping the face of your husband in your heart and mind, repeat the following ayat at least 777 times:

Inn ALLAHAA Yusmiu Manyashao

  • After this recite Darood Shareef for 11 times again.
  • After completing this process, blow on your husband and ask pray to Allah to fulfill all your wishes.

Right after you complete this dua for changing your husband’s heart, you will start noticing changes in your partner. He will start taking notice of your love for him. With this wazifa To increase love in husband’s heart, you have the power to bring back the love in your married life. almighty Allah, you will live a joyful married life for the rest of your days.

Wazifa To Increase Love In Husband’s Heart

We often think of love as something that just happens to us, something that we have no control over. But what if there were things we could do to increase the love in our marriage?

One way to do this is through the use of a wazifa, which is a Muslim prayer or invocation. This wazifa is specifically for the purpose of increasing love in husband’s heart. The process of performing the wazifa to increase love in husband heart is written below:

To perform the wazifa to increase love in spouse heart, you will need to recite the verse from the Qur’an, Surah Al-Talaq (65:4), الرَّحِيمِ الرَّحِيمِ (r-rah-eem-r-rah-eem) 1111 times. You can do this once a day, or multiple times throughout the day.

5 Ways To Keep The Love Alive in Your Marriage 

Give Respect To Your Partner :  

A happy marriage is characterized by its partners’ consistent respect for one another in all circumstances. A lack of respect can cause significant harm to a relationship. Couples frequently argue and disagree with one another, but they should never disrespect one another during these interactions. 

Have Faith In Each Other : 

Always be honest with each other in any scenario, for Allah has mentioned that a true Muslim is truthful in his words and acts in private and public settings. This means that you should always tell the truth to each other. Honesty is indeed the path to goodness, and that goodness is the path to paradise.  

Be loving toward one another:

Demonstrating love for one another and spending quality time together are two of the most important things you can do to keep the romance alive in your marriage. When you talk about how you’re feeling with your partner, it brings you closer together. According to a saying attributed to the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), “Love needs to be nurtured and continue to blossom between husband and wife.” 

Please don’t bring up previous mistakes:

Instead, focus on building a stronger foundation for our relationship by continually forgiving one another and vowing never to let what’s happened in the past happen again. Do not argue over things that are no longer relevant.  

Pray together & Stay Together:

Couples should make praying together a regular part of their relationship. Read the Quran, understand how the Prophet and his wives modeled a successful marriage, and give to charity. Motivate and inspire one another to attain your religious and worshipping aspirations. 

Following Precautions To Take When Performing Dua

Your prayer needs to be flawless if it is to be accepted by Allah. If you change this, your dua will have no effect. Your dua was not very strong-willed. The following information is very important for you to know:  

  • If a woman is menstruating, she should not recite the dua because it is considered impure for her to do so.  
  • Never pray to hurt someone else.  
  • You should recite the dua in a location where you are certain you will not be interrupted.  
  • You are required to rid your body of all pollutants before beginning each dua.
  •  Niyyah Must Constantly Be Performed During the act of doing the dua, you pray to Allah, asking for his assistance in resolving the issue at hand.  
  • Have full confidence in Allah (the Almighty).  
  • If Allah doesn’t answer your prayer immediately, you shouldn’t get frustrated since He always has everyone’s best interests in mind.  
  • If you carefully follow the directions, you will have a better chance of achieving your desired result. 

 It is important to note that this wazifa is not a guarantee of love. However, it is a way to open your partner’s heart and create ways to save your marriage or relationship.

If you have any more doubts, please get in touch with our astrologer (Maulvi).

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