Special Duas

Dua for New Born Baby Boy


Wazifa For Baby Boy

Alhumdulilah, every new life is a gift from Allah and a symbol of His mercy and purity. There will be no gender bias here. In each given pregnancy, however, a boy or a girl is equally possible, except multiples. In other words, it’s perfectly OK for parents to have preferences. Only such individuals are intended to benefit from the dua for beautiful baby boy.

Anyone who wants to increase the odds that a pregnant woman will have a son can utilize this Wazifa for a baby boy. The likelihood of having a son is improved by reciting the dua for a newborn baby boy. Only during a woman’s pregnancy can the Wazifa for baby boy be performed. Either or both parents can perform the Wazifa for baby boy.

Follow Some Guidance To Perform Wazifa For Baby Boy-

  • To have a boy, you must pray Namaz 3 times daily.
  • Keep talking to Allah, Tallah. (This will not only keep you mentally healthy, but it will also keep you physically fit.)
    Also, ask your husband to keep calm, so his sperm count increases.
  • It will improve the life force, which is in charge of getting pregnant.
  • It is important not to worry until you get pregnant and until the baby is born. (One of the main reasons why many women can’t get pregnant in the first place is because of stress.)
  • Always Have Faith In Allah Tala.
  • Don’t give up.
  • Imagine you have a little boy. (It is like a visualization technique that helps you create the vibration around you, which brings in good things and gives you a better chance of getting pregnant with a boy.)

Dua For Baby Boy

After marriage, the next step a couple takes is having a baby. While some couples do not care much about the gender of a baby, some have the pressure of their families to only have a baby boy. Having a baby boy as your first child cannot be guaranteed. Getting to know the gender of a baby is illegal. The Dua For Beautiful Baby Boy is a dua in Quran for couples to conceive a baby boy naturally.

Having a baby boy is possible through some Islamic remedies. This dua to get a baby boy is very powerful and does not anyhow relate to black magic. Married couples who after years of marriage are unable to conceive a baby can use this dua for beautiful baby boy or wazifa for baby boy.

Dua For Baby Boy

Dua For Beautiful Baby Boy

After having a daughter as the first child, a couple just wants a boy child to complete their family. Your wish can complete by the use of dua for new baby boy in Islam. This Islamic dua is the best way for any family to have a boy as their next child.

Some women after having multiple daughters want a boy child to keep their family together. They are under the pressure of their in-laws to have a boy child to keep their family intact. Some conservative families still think that a boy is the only one who will support them in their old age. These conservative families force their daughter in law to give birth to a baby boy.

The dua for a beautiful baby boy is the best way for women to ask Allah Taala to bless them with a boy child. This dua will help you conceive soon and have a healthy pregnancy and a comfortable delivery. To protect your newborn from evil eyes you can read nazar ki dua for baby .

Dua For Beautiful Baby Boy

Wazifa For Twins Baby Boy

Islam does not judge you for expecting a child of a specific gender. While it is okay to think of wanting a baby girl, it is still frowned upon when people have only daughters as children. As a couple, some people decide to only have two children and that too boys. But having kids who are both cannot be guaranteed anyhow.

The dua for twins baby boy is the best Islamic remedy to have boy children. This dua for healthy and beautiful baby boy is the best Islamic way by Allah. And helps you in bringing two beautiful baby boys into this world. Couples can use this dua for healthy and beautiful baby boy who want twin boys after having multiple daughters in their life.

The correct process of performing this dua to get the best result is as follows:

  • Keep in mind that perform this dua on Thursdays.
  • After ablution, sit down on your prayer mat and perform your daily namaz.
  • Put a small bowl full of turmeric powder before you.
  • Recite this dua “Inna shaani’akahuwaalabtaar” at least eight times
  • Now chant “Ya IlahaIllaalah” 500 times in a soft whisper.

Dua For New Born Baby

A number of different duas can be recited for a newborn baby. Some benefits of reciting duas include increasing the bond between the mother and child, protection from harm, and blessings from Allah.

Make the dua for a healthy new born baby boy on behalf of a loved one who is expecting a kid. Anyone except for a child’s parents is welcome to recite this prayer. This dua for a new born baby might be recited during pregnancy if the grandparents of a family want their son or daughter to have a son. Make dua to Allah Miyan and send your request for a newborn with the help of this dua for new born baby.

Procedure To Perform Dua For New Born Baby Step By Step:

  • Perform a wudu after the fajr prayer
  • Recite Allah’s five names using the Quran.
  • Read Takbir (Allah Is Great), then fill a glass with warm water.
  • Recite both Duas 101 times.
  • Finally, blow and drink that glass of water.

Repeat this process for a month and you will soon get pregnant with twin baby boys. If you want more information about this dua, then you can directly contact our Maulvi Sahab.

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